Best Anti Snore Devices

Snoring Remedies

According to the statistics reported by Johns Hopkins Medicine, snoring is common among approximately 65 percent of adults. Among these, only 25 percent snore loudly and regularly, while the other 45 percent snore occasionally. 

With years of scientific research, it has been proved that the post-menopause phase in women and mid-age in men increases their likelihood of snoring. 

Many people around the world lose sleep due to consistent snoring. This not only affects their daily mood and performance but also that of their partners. With an anti-snore mouthpiece or anti-snore mouth guard, this problem and its adverse consequences can be reduced largely. 

Why Do People Snore?

Obstructed breathing pathways cause snoring. This obstruction could arise due to multiple natural reasons, such as a long uvula or soft palate, bulky throat tissues, or poor throat muscle tone. Others include underlying health conditions, such as a deviated septum, nasal congestion, or nasal polyps. 

A narrowed or partially obstructed airway reduces the area for the air to pass through. This forced breathing causes vibration in the tissues of the upper airway and produces a sound that is recognized as snoring. 

How To Stop Snoring

While anti-snore mouthguards are one of the best options to avoid snoring, they are not the first go-to treatment. Doctors are more likely to start with recommending lifestyle changes than to skip directly to prescribing anti-snoring mouthpieces. These lifestyle changes include:

  • Avoiding alcohol after dinner
  • Avoiding sleep deprivation
  • Getting treated for nasal congestion or obstruction
  • Limiting sedatives before bedtime
  • Placing a pillow beneath your head while you sleep, so your head is raised about 4 inches
  • Quit smoking
  • Reducing weight
  • Sleeping on your side, instead of sleeping on your back

Often, you may already have tried all the above-mentioned methods and still see little to no change in your nighttime snoring. In such cases, we suggest making use of the best anti snore devices. 

The snoring device could be either a mouthpiece or a mouthguard. Regardless, they serve the same purpose. 

How Does An Anti-Snore Device Work?

While even the best anti snore devices resemble the looks of a sports athlete’s mouth guard, they work to stop or at least, reduce your snoring problems. Wearing an anti-snore mouth guard opens the air passage by changing the placement of your mandible (lower jaw) and tongue. 

The two categories of the best anti snore devices include the MADs (mandibular advancement devices), and TRDs (tongue retaining devices). They are designed in a way to fit inside the mouth and relax the airway when you are slumbering. 

The MADs, as their name suggests, push the mandible forward while the TRDs prevent the falling back of the tongue to the throat. The forward movement or protrusion of both these parts enables a wider airway by increasing the space behind the tongue. 

Best Anti-Snoring Devices

Designed in ways to make your beauty sleep last up to 7 hours daily, here is a list of the best anti-snoring devices. 

SnoreRx Plus

The SnoreRx Plus is a mandibular advancement device and is preferably used by those who are comfortable with the feel of a MAD in their mouth. This customizable mouthpiece can be adjusted within a range of 1 mm to 6 mm. It provides a full lateral movement with a custom fit through the boil-and-bite molding. 

Priced at about $124, this MAD is categorized as one of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces in terms of comfort, customization, and value. With a 30-night trial with a full refund option, they ship to Australia, Canada, the U.S, and most European countries. 

VitalSleep Mouthguard

The VitalSleep Mouthguard is considered the best anti-snore device in terms of value. Priced at $100, it is the perfect anti-snoring mouthpiece for those people whose jaw placements vary each night. They can easily be adjusted according to your jaw advancements, from an increment range of 1mm to 8mm. The boil-and-bite customization allows manual adjustment for a perfect fit in your mouth. 

Their reasonable pricing and a 60-night trial with a 2-year warranty make them one of the most renowned brands among multiple MADs. Its hypoallergenic formula does not contain any latex or BPA (bisphenol A) plastic and makes it safe for everyone.

ZQuiet Mouthguard

The ZQuiet Mouthguard is built for sleepers who prefer automatically adjusting MADs. Its thin profile coupled with the hinge design allows the upper tray to connect with the lower tray. 

It works differently than the standard boil-and-bite mouthpiece, fitting to your jaw automatically. This saves a lot of time and effort that is required in the other types of anti-snoring mouthpieces. 

It is priced at around $100 and offers a 60-night sleep trial. A single purchase includes two devices, one of which advances the jaw by 2mm while the other advances it by 6mm. 

Both these MADs can be used interchangeably depending on your comfort level. It is considered one of the best anti-snore devices in terms of comfort.


With the best anti-snoring device, you can effectively treat chronic snoring. You may make use of the lifestyle changes mentioned above along with the use of an anti-snoring mouthpiece to completely get rid of your heavy snoring. 

However, if you have OSA (obstructive sleep apnea), we suggest visiting your doctor and asking them for better advice on your treatment. While an anti-snoring mouth guard improves airflow, it may not be able to treat the underlying causes of OSA. 



Hi, I'm Michael. Welcome to my blog!

I started my career as a dentist, and I became interested years later in sleep apnea and snoring management, after suffering it myself.

Many patients are unaware of the role that dentists play in the management and treatment of snoring. I developed this blog to allow me to directly engage those suffering from snoring in a conversation about what it is, how it can be treated, and what are the solutions.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to help you along the way.



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