Laugh and the world laughs with you.


Anthony Burgess


Snoring occurs when air flows through relaxed tissues in your throat, causing those membranes to vibrate as you breathe. As many as 45% of people snore sometimes, and 25% snore almost all the time. For those, it can be a chronic problem. Snoring can also sometimes be a symptom of a severe sleep disorder.


If you have a snoring problem, you may want to try changing your pillow and position in bed. If it still doesn’t work, you can try alternative medicines, like herbs. There are different types of herbs used to help you get better sleep and most probably eliminate the occurrence of snoring. Valerian, lavender, and thyme are just a just few of them.


Men tend to snore more often than women. In any case, snoring can be a nuisance to your partner. Lifestyle changes, such as sleeping on your side, avoiding alcohol close to bedtime, or losing weight, can help stop snoring. However, for some, these measures don’t always help, and physical aids are needed. Find out the pros and cons of each.

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What Are Nasal Polyps

What Are Enlarged Adenoids?

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What Are Enlarged Adenoids

The Six Benefits Of Sleeping On Your Right Side

Sleeping on your back has always been recommended for a good night’s sleep without neck pain or muscular ache. However, studies have shown that sleeping on your side is far more beneficial and common among adults with a higher BMI or Body Mass Index. We sleep for...

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The Six Benefits Of Sleeping On Your Right Side

The Relation Between Neck Size And Sleep Apnea

Everyone deserves a high quality and peaceful sleep after a long workday, but many do not receive it. While some are riddled with back pain after uncomfortable positions while others are subject to problems like snoring and sleep apnea.  When your throat muscles...

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The Relation Between Neck Size And Sleep Apnea

Surgeries To Stop Snoring

Excessive snoring significantly lowers a person’s sleep quality, whilst hampering their quality of life. They explore the internet for new snoring treatments and do whatever they can to put an end to it, stumbling upon the option of surgeries to stop snoring. ...

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Surgeries To Stop Snoring

Positive Airway Pressure Treatment

The quality of one's life is determined by the amount of sleep one gets. Sleep apnea is a common sleep-related disorder that usually results in patients getting poor quality of sleep if not diagnosed and treated on time.  While there are different methods of...

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Positive Airway Pressure Treatment

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

One in every twelve adults in the United States suffers from a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. About 10% of the American population suffers from mild OSA and around 75-80% of these cases remain unidentified. With its high prevalence globally,...

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Mouth Breathing- Its Complications And How To Fix It

A typical breathing pattern involves in and out breaths through the nose that warm up the nasal passage and moisten the air. However, some people prefer to breathe through their mouths. These people are known as mouth breathers. While some people breathe through...

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Mouth Breathing- Its Complications And How To Fix It

Is Snoring Bad For Your Health?

Snoring is an extremely common phenomenon but whenever someone learns that they snore, many questions spring to mind - Is snoring healthy? Is snoring dangerous? Is snoring a disease? It is normal to be concerned and it should be a relief that occasional snoring due...

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Is Snoring Bad For Your Health

How To Make Someone Stop Snoring

Around 45% of all adults snore and while it is usually harmless, it becomes a problem when it affects your quality of life. That problem expands when it harms the quality of not one, but two lives - you and your partner who you share a bed with - and it is only a...

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How To Make Someone Stop Snoring



Hi, I'm Michael. Welcome to my blog!

I started my career as a dentist, and I became interested years later in sleep apnea and snoring management, after suffering it myself.

Many patients are unaware of the role that dentists play in the management and treatment of snoring. I developed this blog to allow me to directly engage those suffering from snoring in a conversation about what it is, how it can be treated, and what are the solutions.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to help you along the way.
