Positive Airway Pressure Treatment

Snoring Remedies

The quality of one’s life is determined by the amount of sleep one gets. Sleep apnea is a common sleep-related disorder that usually results in patients getting poor quality of sleep if not diagnosed and treated on time. 

While there are different methods of treatment available for different types and severity of sleep apnea, Positive airway pressure treatment (PAP) is considered to be the most effective form of treatment out of all.

Positive airway pressure treatment (PAP) is a catch-all term for all sleep apnea treatments. It uses machines to deliver a flow of pressurized air to patients while they sleep to prevent their airways from collapsing. It enables one to breathe more smoothly and sleep with fewer awakenings during the night, leading to a higher quality of life.

What Are The Different Types Of Positive Airway Pressure Treatment?

Based on one’s condition, patients are most commonly prescribed one of the following positive airway pressure treatments:

  1. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure-  Invented in 1981, this type of PAP treatment keeps a patient’s airway open by delivering gentle and constant pressure. In most cases, CPAP is the first PAP treatment used to handle sleep-disordered breathing. Its straightforward approach to airway assistance is efficient for many sleep apnea patients. However, it is possible that it will not be able to treat every sleep apnea condition. 
  1. Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure-  As its name suggests, BiLevel positive airway pressure uses two different pressure settings, higher for breathing in and lower for breathing out. This allows the air sacs to operate more effectively by interchanging the inhalation and exhalation demands.
  1. Auto titration Positive Airway Pressure- Also known as a “smart” device, this treatment alters the air pressure in response to the changes seen in a patient’s breathing pattern, permitting it to vary throughout the night. The auto-titrating machines use an algorithm that raises the compressed air level when breathing is affected and lessens it after a period of normal respiration. They are ideal for individuals who only require a significant increase in pressure for a fraction of the night.

What Is The Main Difference Between Bipap And Cpap Machines?

While both machines are intended to provide air pressure when you breathe in and out, the primary distinction between BiPAP and CPAP machines is that BiPAP machines have two pressure setups: one for inhalation (IPAP) and one for exhalation (EPAP).

The BiPAP machine is intended to boost the pressure when you breathe in air in order to prevent the airways in your nose and throat from collapsing while you sleep. CPAP, on the contrary, maintains the same level of pressure throughout the night. 

Many patients prefer BiPAP to the single pressure supplied by CPAP machines due to the fact that it gets difficult to breathe against the single pressure when using CPAP machines. BiPAP is also recommended for patients with chronic heart failure and other severe heart and lung illnesses who require additional support for breathing.

What Are The Effects Of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure On The Lungs?

Positive airway pressure treatment is considered very effective in treating sleep apnea and other respiratory diseases. It improves the sleeping pattern and quality of sleep leading to a more healthy lifestyle. However, if we are to discuss the effects of positive airways pressure on the lungs there are no conclusions at the moment. Many studies are conducted for this purpose but we have a long way to go before we can reach a solid answer.

Which Positive Airway Pressure Treatment Is The Most Effective?

If we are to talk about the best positive airways treatment, there is no final answer. Each PAP option is best depending upon the needs of a patient. CPAP, because of its validated efficacy in treating mild to moderate OSA symptoms, is among the most commonly used types of sleep apnea diagnosis on the marketplace currently. It is also less costly than other PAP therapies.

However, if a person is unable to resume their recovery after using CPAP or is having difficulty handling the single pressure, doctors will switch them to BiPAP. BiPAP has more effective settings allowing patients to not be fully dependent on the machine.

APAP Therapy is perfect for people who alter their breathing patterns while sleeping and demand multiple pressure levels throughout the night. It is also suggested to those who suffer from seasonal allergies, as APAP machines can adapt to any additional pressure required due to congestion.

Final Word

All in all, positive airway pressure therapies have consistently shown to be effective in treating symptoms of sleep apnea. With proper consistency and following the doctor’s advice, one can considerably bring about positive changes in one’s life!



Hi, I'm Michael. Welcome to my blog!

I started my career as a dentist, and I became interested years later in sleep apnea and snoring management, after suffering it myself.

Many patients are unaware of the role that dentists play in the management and treatment of snoring. I developed this blog to allow me to directly engage those suffering from snoring in a conversation about what it is, how it can be treated, and what are the solutions.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to help you along the way.



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